Monkey Pod Games is dedicated to the idea of bringing a unique edge to your corporate gifts. When it comes to choosing corporate gifts for holidays, it can pay off to get something a little different to the norm. While our puzzles are aimed at bringing fun to those who play them, we want to match this level of enjoyment with a sense of sophistication and elegance to those who receive your gifts. We understand fully that the gift you choose to give, represents your company and therefore the utmost care is put in to creating a gift that mirrors your business. Our aim is to make sure that when an employee or valued customer receives one of our gifts, they receive the same satisfaction they get from doing business or working for you. After all, finding the ideal gifts for employees can be a great way to show the recepient that they are valued. When purchasing gifts for employees, depending on the number of people you employ, this could be a sizable expenditure. Therefore, it may be worth having a look for any available coupons and promo codes you could use on your purchases. This site could help – https://www.raise.com/coupons/target. Discounts can help you stretch your budget as well as make a saving so they’re well worth finding.

If you choose to use Monkey Pod Games for your corporate gifts, you will get a completely unique experience. We abhor the “assembly line” way of doing things, meaning our way is not just having you choose a puzzle, pick a logo, select a quantity and off it goes. We will spend time with you picking out the perfect gift that reflects your needs. You will receive top notch advice and consultation in order to create the best corporate gift, just as you would if you Make your own photo puzzle. Our staff is dedicated to researching the themes of your company and coming up with fresh ideas. This not only means choosing a gift that reflects you the company, but also finding a gift that is perfect for the person you are giving it to. It is equally important to find a gift that reflects those who are receiving it as it is one that reflects the company.

While our website is a great resource for all the wonderful choices for a corporate gift, we can also work one on one with you to create a unique corporate gift that only you and your customers or employees will receive. This essential means that the boundaries are endless when it comes to choice at Monkey Pod Games. Our puzzles are not just fun but they also have strong educational and social values. Our puzzles have made their way into schools and programs that try and improve the social skills of their participants. On the social side, our puzzles make great icebreakers and tools that can train employees to work together in groups. Many of our puzzles are very difficult and using many minds to solve a brain teaser is a great way to bring a team together.
As said before, our goal is to create not just an amazing corporate gift but agreat experience whereby you will want to do business with us again. It is theextra time and attentive care that separates our corporate gifts from othersoffered on the market. Both the President and Director of Corporate Sales willwork personally on each corporate project that comes to Monkey Pod Games. Forus, creating unique corporate gifts is about creating art and beingcontributors to an industry that has a long and rich history which is why we will put our best minds on the job to bring you the best product.
We hope to hear from you and look forward to be able to work with you
personally. Feel free to contact us here to begin your journey to finding and
creating the perfect corporate gift. Or if you have already spoken to our
Director of Corporate Sales, please feel free to contact him directly.